It all started in late June when I got a phone call from the Taipei Representative Office in Paris saying a position was available for me to go to Taiwan for nine months on a scholarship. Though I had made a request for the scholarship back in March, I had been put on a waiting list. Until I got the call I had pretty much canceled out the idea that I might be going to Taiwan.
I'm surprised that I've actually managed to do a lot of the things I need to do. OK, there have been some technical details. I ordered (and received) my US passport before realising that the scholarship I had applied to is for French citizens, which means that the US passport is completely useless to me for going to Taiwan. Last Wednesday I went to my local mairie (city hall) and filled out the papers to get a French passport. Despite horror stories I have heard about French bureaucracy, all in all the process took about one hour (I should be getting the passport next week).
That's good considering I have less than a month before my flight to Taipei.
1 comment:
Coucou Adrien !
Alors, tu l'as bien obtenu, ton passeport francais ? Et ca marche comment au niveau des visas ? Il t'en faut un ? Delivre par qui ? Un office de representation de Taiwan a Paris ?
Et tu decolles quand pour Taipei ?
De mon cote, me voici a Zhongdian (renomme "Shangri-La" en 2001, afin d'attirer les touristes occidentaux lecteurs du roman "Lost Horizon" de James Hilton), la porte du Tibet du nord-ouest du Yunnan. Je n'ai pas encore vu grand chose de la ville, ou je suis seulement arrivee hier soir, vu que j'ai passe l'essentiel de la journee a mettre a jour mes notes de terrain... Donc pour mes impressions concernant cette premiere incursion en "pays tibetain" (presque tout le monde parle tibetain !), rendez-vous dans quelques jours sur mon wiki.
Keep in touch! Take care!
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